Contato: (21) 2138-9304
Currículo Lattes
Doctoral degree in Finance from PUC-Rio (2002), MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business (1979), Master in Civil Engineering from Stanford University (1977) and graduated in Civil Engineering from PUC-Rio. He is currently an Associate Professor at PUC - Rio. He has experience in Business Administration, with an emphasis on Analysis and Evaluation of Projects and Companies, Real Options, and Risk Analysis. He is one of the coordinators of NUPEI at PUC-Rio, working on projects relating to Energy, Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships, and Risk, Uncertainty, and Flexibility in Project Analysis. He was the winner of the 2007 ANPAD Award for best work in Finance and was advisor to the doctoral thesis that won the 2011 CAPES Thesis Award. He was a financial executive for companies, and actively participates in training and consulting for public and private companies.
Research lines
- Corporate finance;
- Uncertainty in investment decision-making, managerial flexibility (Real Options);
- Environmental asset valuation.
Linhas de pesquisa
- Finanças corporativas
- Decisão de inevstimento com incerteza e flexibilidade gerencial (Opções Reais)
- Avaliação de ativos de meio ambiente