Contato: (21) 2138-9301
Currículo Lattes
Leonardo Lima is professor of finance and energy economics at IAG PUC-Rio. He was an advisory advisor to QG energia e Diferencial Energia between 2008 and 2018 and statutory advisor to Lorenge SA between 2009 and 2015. He served as manager of energy commercialization at Neoenergia until 2008, having also worked as an analyst at Cepel and IBM between 1996 and 2001 At IAG he coordinated MBA´s and in-company courses for ONS, MME, Vale and Petrobras. As a researcher, he is one of the coordinators of NUPEI in the Administration Department - PUC-Rio, having authored and co-authored 1 book, 4 book chapters and more than 100 scientific articles in journals and national and international conferences on topics related to corporate finance, energy markets and investments in infrastructure; He has a degree in mechanical engineering and a master's and doctorate in production engineering with an emphasis in finance from PUC-Rio.
Research interests:
- Corporate finance;
- Uncertain Investment Decision-making;
- Managerial Flexibility (Real Options);
- Energy Asset Valuation.
Linhas de pesquisa
- Finanças corporativas
- Decisão de investimento com incerteza e flexibilidade gerencial (Opções Reais)
- Avaliação de ativos de energia