Contato: (21) 2138-9200
Currículo Lattes
Obtained a doctoral degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio, in April 2007. Holds a master's degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio (1998), having graduated in Production Engineering from UFRJ (1982). He serves as an assistant professor on the main board of PUC-Rio’s Administration Department. He is the theme leader on Socio-Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Ethics in the Strategy Division of ANPAD. Is a member of the Consultative Council at PUC-Rio’s NIMA. He develops two fields of research: 1- Strategies for public and private organization sustainability 2- Sustainable entrepreneurship. Within these fields, he’s mainly focused on: Field 1 - Participatory management of environmental conservation units, ecotourism in natural parks; Impacts of major events on the Sustainability of cities; Implementation of competitive and collaborative strategies for sustainability in companies; measuring corporate sustainability. Field 2- Analysis and mapping of Ecobusiness networks. (As informed by the professor)
Research interests:
- Collaborative strategies for companies and NGOs;
- Sustainable development and environmental management.
Linhas de pesquisa
- Estratégias colaborativas para empresas e entidades sem fins lucrativos
- Desenvolvimento sustentável e gestão ambiental