Contato: (21) 3114-1414 
Currículo Lattes      

Has a sandwich doctorate - New School for Social Research (1986) and a doctorate in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo (1988). She has been an associate professor at PUC-Rio - IAG since 1979. She was a researcher and visiting professor at the Université Jean Moulin de Lyon (1995), at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Montreal (1993), at the École Superieure des Affaires of the Université de Sciences Sociales de Grenoble (1996,1992,1990), at Rissho University of Tokyo (1988), at Florida International University (1994), and at the Graduate School of Urban Professions, Department of Management and Human Resources of the New School for Social Research (1989). She published several articles in Brazil and abroad. She’s written the following books: "Cultura Organizacional e Privatizaçäo: A Dimensão Humana", (Makron Books, 1993); Inveja nas Organizações, (Makron Books, 1994); Invidia en las Empresas (McGraw Hill México , 1994); Gestão Participativa (CDRom - CELTEC, 1995); Sedução dos Modismos (Makron Books, 1998); "Cultura e Mudança Organizacional" (organização, Editora PUC-Rio,2008),"Cultura Empreendedora" (Office Book, 2008 ); "Lideranças Empreendedoras Cariocas" ( Editora Dedix,2012).

Research Interests:

  • Culture and power;
  • Human behavior in organizations.

Linhas de pesquisa
  • Cultura e poder
  • Comportamento humano nas organizações