Núcleo de Estudos em Organizações e Sustentabilidade (NEOS)
The IAG – Business School at PUC-Rio’s Research Center for Studies on Sustaianable Organizations (NEOS) has a mission to stimulate academic research and extension projects which produce new knowledge on the topic of sustainability in organizations and startups.
- Competitive and collaborative strategies for organizational sustainability;
- Climate Stratagies;
- Sustainable Innovation;
- Sustainable Etrepreneurship;
- New sustainable business models;
- Corporate social responsibility.
- Conduct research to develop new knowledge about strategy, innovation, and the practice of sustainability in organizations and non-profit organizations;
- Conduct research that allows for the development of new knowledge on the practice of environmental and social entrepreneurship and promotes sustainability among new entrepreneurs;
- Develop research that addresses the topic of climate change, and strategies that aim at mitigating and adapting organizational resources and capacities.
- Support for research by professors and researchers at IAG PUC-Rio;
- Support for theses, dissertations, and scientific initiation projects;
- Promoting exchanges between researchers from IAG PUC-Rio and those of other national and international institutions;
- Consultancy work, applied research, and specialization programs for organizations.
Adaptation to climate change and risk perception variables, and strategic responses
This study proposes the investigation of the determinants of the perception of climate risk and the resulting development of adaptation strategies in the food chain in Brazil, a chain of great economic importance and great climatic vulnerability. The study includes field research with companies on risk perception, and strategies for adapting to climate change; and subsequent development of workshops with stakeholders to discuss the results. The objective of the study is to generate recommendations and contributions for the adaptation of companies, as well as suggestions for public policies. In this way, the research seeks to go beyond academic relevance and bring practical contributions to management activities.
Business model innovations for sustainability, taking into consideration financial performance as well as other dimensions of the TBL (social and environmental)
The study of the conceptualization, implementation, conduction and performance of completely new or significantly improved sustainable business models, not only focused on having economic results that give profit to its partners, but also concerned with the needs of other stakeholders (as well as, for example, employees, the environment, and the community where the company operates). This concern should generally be reflected in objectives and result indicators referring to the three dimensions of the triple bottom line, which are: the economic dimension, the environmental dimension, and the social dimension.
Sustainable entrepreneurial strategies and practices in their environmental (eco-business) and social (social business) areas.
This research field investigates the intervening factors and trends for new sustainable ventures in Brazil and in the World, seeking to identify motivations, facilitating factors, and barriers to the creation and success of startups with a focus on environmental and social issues. It also seeks to assess competitive and collaborative strategies, the role of entrepreneurial leaders, and the performance of these companies within the triple bottom line framework, as well as their contribution to sustainable development in the sectors in which they operate. In this sense, sustainable entrepreneurship, eco-entrepreneurship (eco-businesses) and social entrepreneurship (social businesses) are part of the scope of this research field.
Strategies and practices for the sustainability of third sector companies and public organizations, in their environmental (Environmental management) and social (Social Environment and Business Ethics) areas.
This field of research involves the investigation of the competitive and collaborative strategies used by organizations in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sectors when pursuing corporate sustainability, seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of such strategies and their impact on the sustainable performance of companies and other organizations, based on different sustainability models. In this way, strategies related to environmental management and corporate social responsibility are part of the scope of this field of research.
- NEOS has a partnership with PUC-Rio’s Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Center (Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Meio Ambiente – NIMA) for academic research and sustainable actions within and outside of campus;
- EOS is open to partnerships with schools, research centers, companies and international and national NGOs which posess objectives aligned with ours;
- Contact: NEOS Administration – Prof. Marcos Cohen – mcohen@iag.puc-rio.br | (21) 2138-9322.
- Cavazotte, F.S.C.N.; Cohen, M.; Brunelli, M. . Business Ethics in Brazil: Analyzing Discourse and Practice of the Brazilian Contractors Involved in the Operation Lava Jato. (2018) In: Christopher Stehr; Nina Dziatzko; Franziska Struve. (Org.). Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil The Future is Now.Heidelberg Germany: Springer-Verlag, v. 1, p. 1-15.
- Cohen, M.; Cavazotte, F.; Costa, T.; Ferreira, K (2017). Corporate Social-Environmental Responsibility as an Attraction and Retention Factor for Young Professionals. BBR. Brazilian Business Review (English Edition. Online), v. 14, p. 21-41.
- VaccariI, L. C. ; Cohen, M.; Rocha, A. M. C. (2017). Hiato entre Atitude e Comportamento no Descarte e Reciclagem de Lixo: Uma Abordagem Intergeracional. PRETEXTO (BELO HORIZONTE. ONLINE), v. 18, p. 116-134, 2017.
- Brito, R. P. (2017). Pegada Social. GV-executivo, 16 (6), 48-51.
- Brito, R. P. (2017). Business and Human Rights: Mind the Gaps, SSLAS Swiss School of Latin American Studies Newsletter, Spring 2017.
- Vaccari, L. C. ; Cohen, M. ; Rocha, A. M. C. . (2016). O Hiato entre Atitude e Comportamento Ecologicamente Conscientes: Um Estudo com Consumidores de Diferentes Gerações para Produtos Orgânicos. Gestão.Org, v. 14, p. 44-58.
- Miguel, P. L. de S., Brito, R. P., Pereira, S. C. F. (2016). Percepção de risco sobre efeitos das mudanças climáticas nas empresas. Estadão: Gestão, Políticas & Sociedade, 06/06/2016.
- Patrocinio, B. A. ; Cohen,M. (2016). Institucionalização da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa na Indústria Farmacêutica: Três Estudos de Caso. Organizações e Sustentabilidade, v. 4, p. 49-83.
- Miguel, P. L. de S., Brito, R. P., Pereira, S. C. F. (2015). Radiografia dos desastres no Brasil. GV-executivo, 14(2).
- Green, C. C. ; Cohen,M. (2015) . Tourism in Ilha Grande: The Promises and the Problems of Paradise. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, v. 21, p. 97-108, 2015.
- Berardi, P. C.; Brito, R. P. (2015). Drivers of Environmental Management in the Brazilian Context. Brazilian Administration Review (BAR), 12(1).
- Araujo, G. A. ; Cohen, M. ; Silva, J.F. (2014). Avaliação do Efeito das Estratégias de Gestão Ambiental sobre o Desempenho Financeiro de Empresas Brasileiras. Revista de Gestao Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, v. 3, p. 16.
- Beyda, T. T. ; Cohen, M, ; Silva, J. F. (2013). Gestão da Mudança em Parques Naturais: Lidando com Stakeholders. Pretexto (Online), 14, p. 124-144.
- Magalhães, R. S.; Brito, R. P.(2012). Estratégias empresariais para a sustentabilidade no Brasil. Uniethos website.
- Cohen, M.; Silva, J. F. (2011). Evaluation of Collaborative Strategies for Ecotourism and Recreational Activities in Natural Parks of Rio de Janeiro. Revista de Administração Pública (Impresso), v. 44, p. 1097-1123.
- Brito, R. P., Berardi, P. C. (2010). Vantagem Competitiva na Gestão Sustentável da Cadeia de Suprimentos: Um Meta Estudo, RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas, 50 (2).
- LASFF Relatorio. (2010). Engajamento para Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo no Brasil. São Paulo, GVces website.
- Cohen, M.; Silva, J. F. (2009). Implantação da Gestão Participativa em Unidades de Conservação do Tipo Parque na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro: Do Conflito à Colaboração. Contextus (Fortaleza), 7, p. 81-92.
- Cohen, M.; Silva, J. (2009). Evaluation of Collaborative Strategies Used in the Management of Natural Parks in Rio de Janeiro. Latin American Business Review (Binghamton), v. 10, p. 263-287.
- Cohen, M.; Silva, J. F.; Costa, L. S. V. (2008). Projetos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável para Unidades de Conservação Ambiental Urbanas. Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia & Negócios, v. 1, p. 31-48.
- Brito, R. P.; Gonzalez, L. (2007). Finanças Sustentáveis, RAE Executivo, 6 (6).
- Cohen, M.; Silva, J. F. O Impacto das Decisões Estratégicas no Desempenho dos Franqueados de Fast-Food: O Papel do Relacionamento Franqueador -Franqueado. Revista de Administração Contemporânea (Impresso).
- Paula F. O.; Poesche, J. ; Lima-Toivanen, M. ; Lilja, K. (2018). Transition of the Forest Industry Firms to Biorefinery in Brazil: Diversity of Paths and Triggers. In: XLII Encontro da ANPAD – EnANPAD 2018, 2018, Curitiba. XLII Encontro da ANPAD – EnANPAD.
- Poesche, J. ; PAULA, F. O. ; Toivanen, M.L. ; Lilja, K. (2018) . Industry Transformation from Chemical Pulping to Biorefining. In: 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology – IAMOT, 2018, Brimingham. Annals from 7th Annual Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology – IAMOT.
- Macedo-Soares, T. D. ; Paula, F. O. (2018). Innovation & Sustainability: Research Tendencies and Gaps. In: 20th Anniversary Annual International Conference GBATA, 2018, Bangkok. 20th Anniversary Annual International Conference GBATA Proceedings.
- Brito, R. P. (2018).A Multilevel Framework of Climate Change Adaptation. In: EnANPAD, 2018, Curitiba. EnANPAD 2018
- Brito, R. P, Miguel, P. L. S., Pereira, S.C.F. (2016). Impacts of Natural Disasters in Brazilian Supply Chain: the case of São Paulo drought. Presented at AOM Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, 2016.
- Miguel, P. L. S., Brito, R. P, Pereira, S.C.F. (2015). Natural Disasters and their Impacts on Supply Chains. Presented at EurOMA-2015, Neuchâtel.
- Miguel, P. L.; Brito, R. P.; Pereira, S. C. F. (2015). Humanitarian Operations in Brazil: a review of natural disasters in the last decade. Presented at POMS Conference 2015.
- Brito, R. P.; Widmer, R. (2009). The Debate about Profitability and Socially Responsible Investments: Research Propositions for Companies in Brazil. Presented at Global Forum America Latina, Curitiba, 2009.
- Brito, R. P. (2009). Práticas Socioambientais em Instituições Financeiras: Explorando as Motivações Estratégicas no Contexto Brasileiro. Presented at Global Forum America Latina, Curitiba, 2009.
- Biderman, R.; Brito R. P.; Monzoni, M. (2006). Finanças Sustentáveis e o Caso do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial da Bovespa. Presented at Simpoi, São Paulo, 2006.
Prof. Dr. Fábio de Oliveira Paula – fabioop@iag.puc-rio.br
Currículo Lattes
Has a doctoral degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio, with emphasis on Strategy (2017). Received FAPERJ’s Sandwich Doctorate Scholarship from September 2016 to August 2017, having conducted academic research at Aalto University School of Business (Helsinki, Finland). Obtained his Master’s in Business Administration from PUC-Rio (2006). Graduated in Computer Engineering at the same University (2001). Conducts research and has articles published in high impact national and international academic journals and congresses in the areas of Innovation Management, Strategy, and Alliance Networks. Project Manager with PMP certification, worked as Project and Process Manager and, for 13 years, was responsible for in-company training for organizations of various industries; retail, foreign trade, marketing, education, information technology, and oil and gas. He is currently a Business Administration Graduate Program professor (Academic Master’s program, Professional Master’s program, and Doctoral program) at the IAG – School of Business at PUC-Rio.
Prof. Dr. Marcos Cohen – mcohen@iag.puc-rio.br
Currículo Lattes
Obtained a doctoral degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio, in April 2007. Holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from PUC-Rio (1998), having graduated in Production Engineering from UFRJ (1982). He serves as an assistant professor on the main board of PUC-Rio’s Administration Department. He is the theme leader on Socio-Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Ethics in the Strategy Division of ANPAD. Is a member of the Consultative Council at PUC-Rio’s NIMA. He develops two fields of research: 1- Strategies for public and private organization sustainability 2- Sustainable entrepreneurship. Within these fields, he’s mainly focused on: Field 1 – Participatory management of environmental conservation units, ecotourism in natural parks; Impacts of major events on the Sustainability of cities; Implementation of competitive and collaborative strategies for sustainability in companies; measuring corporate sustainability. Field 2- Analysis and mapping of Ecobusiness networks.
Prof.ª Dr.ª Renata Peregrino de Brito – renata.brito@iag.puc-rio.br
Currículo Lattes
Is a Business Strategy and Corporate Sustainability Professor and researcher. Did her Post-doctorate research at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (2017). Earned her PhD in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP (2011). Underwent her MBA course at RSM Rotterdam School of Management – Erasmus Netherlands University (2005) and graduated in Business Administration from FGV – EAESP. She is currently teaching Business Administration for IAG – PUC-Rio’s Graduate Program (Academic Master’s program, Professional Master’s program, and Doctoral program).
Ana Carla Bon, D.Sc. – anacarla.bon@hotmail.com
Currículo Lattes
Ciro Valerio Torres da Silva, D .Sc. – ciro.torres@prof.iag.puc-rio.br
Currículo Lattes
Julia Bloomfield Gama Zardo, D. Sc. – juliaz@puc-rio.br
Currículo Lattes
Ruth Espinola Soriano de Mello, D.Sc. – ruth@puc-rio.br
Currículo Lattes
Mariana Brunelli, M.Sc. – maribrunelli@gmail.com
Currículo Lattes
IAG – Business School at PUC-Rio
Address: Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea
CEP: 22541-900 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Telephone: +55 (21) 2138-9322