Contato: (21) 2138-9201 
Currículo Lattes      

Graduated in Economics from UFRJ (1972), earned her master’s in business administration from UFRJ (1976), and obtained her doctoral degree in Business Management from IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra (1983). She is currently Associate Professor at the IAG School of Business at PUC-Rio. She was a Full-Time professor at Coppead Institute of Administration at UFRJ until she retired. Has experience in Business Administration, particularly in Marketing and International Business, focusing on company internationalization, and international marketing, culture, and management. She is Coordinator of the International Business Research Center at IAG - School of Business at PUC-Rio. Project coordinator Pronex/CNPq/FAPERJ since 1997. 1-A CNPq Researcher. Has the Rio de Janeiro Scientist Grant from Faperj. Was coordinator of the Economy and Administration sectors of Faperj (2010-2012). Has been a researcher at the Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR) since 1992. She has 13 published books, as an author or organizer, and articles published in national and international magazines, among which are: Journal of Business Research, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Advances in International Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Latin American Business Review, Brazilian Administration Review . (As informed by the professor)


Linhas de pesquisa
  • Internacionalização de empresas brasileiras
  • Marketing para consumidores de baixa renda