O Núcleo de Organizações, Relações de Trabalho e Empregabilidade – NORTE convida a todos para as palestras do prof. David Hannah, da Simon Fraser University.
Hannah faz pesquisas sobre segredos comerciais e sigilo organizacional e é editor associado do Journal of Managerial Inquiry.

David R. Hannah
is an Associate Professor of Management at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. He received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. His current research interests include trade secret protection, human-animal work, qualitative research, and meaningful work. His research has been published in numerous leading journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Sloan Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Business Horizons, Journal of Management Inquiry, and the Journal of Business Ethics. Dr. Hannah is a Past President of the Western Academy of Management (WAM) and was chosen as their 2008 Ascendant Scholar, and is presently an Associate Editor of WAM’s journal, the Journal of Management Inquiry. He is a past recipient of the SFU Faculty of Business Administration Research Excellence Award, and the SFU Faculty of Business TD-Canada Trust Teaching Excellence Award.


22 de março de 2019 | sexta-feira das 13h às 15h | na sala 14 do IAG PUC-Rio:

Introducing Journal of Management Inquiry and the Generative Curiosity Section

The Journal of Management Inquiry (FI 1.79; H 52) emphasizes creative, non-traditional research as well as discussions of key issues in the field. Its newest section is Generative Curiosity (GC), created to provide a venue for authors to publish novel, consequential, and fertile ideas that may not fit into an existing theoretical conversation. Dave Hannah is the Associate Editor and co-creator of the GC section. In this presentation, Dave will introduce JMI, its mission, and its sections. He will describe GC and its submission process, and share some of the papers published to date, on topics such as the impact of technologies like blockchain on the development of trust in organizations and the encroachment of academic roles to include more service requirements in academic careers. Dave will also be available for one-on-one meetings with authors who wish to discuss possible submissions to GC and JMI.


25 de março de 2019 | segunda-feira das 13h às 15h | na sala 1 do IAG PUC-Rio:

Keeping Secrets: The Implications of Trade Secret Protection for Management, Marketing, and Innovation

Trade secrets and confidential information, such as the formula for Coca-Cola Classic and Google’s search algorithm, are among the most valuable assets that organizations can possess. Trade secrets can help organizations to preserve competitive advantages; impress consumers; and leverage value from innovations. However, if organizations fail to protect trade secrets, this can lead to financial losses, costly lawsuits and even in some cases to tensions between nations. In this talk, Dave will share some of the key findings of his research stream into the protection and divulgence of trade secrets, and discuss what he understands are some of the key areas for subsequent research, including the role of secrecy in conspiracy and corruption.